From Steven Taylor: "Ah, mi amigo, not just "pretty" (as we ALL know what that means). I want to see something arty yet not pretty and not about death.
No creepy voodoo dolls need apply."
A little background. Steven and I spent a day together in Alabama recently visiting the Birmingham Art Museum and walking around botanical gardens. Your average garden-variety Alabama-style heterosexual male activity, if you ask me.
But I digress. Or was I in the story deep enough to digress? Perhaps I'm still prefacing.
In either case, when Steven and I were touring the museum, I called an art piece "pretty" as a pretentious art slam, noting how in the art world "pretty" is a derisive term. Art need not be beautiful, though it's lovely if it is. But if the best you can say of it is that it's pretty, then, wow, you might as well as be saying that the artist may some day be ready to apprentice for Thomas Kinkade. You may as well give the artist the cyanide capsule and be done with it.
So that's why Steven is teasing me about pretty.
But I'm not anti-pretty, though I generally think art should be more than pretty. And I'm certainly pro-beauty.
So here's my challenge for the remainder of 2009. I want to see whether I can find (or take!) ten generally uplifting or nice photos.
My non-negative photos must meet the following criteria:
1. They can't be depressing--no dark themes. "Contemplative" is okay. "Haunted" is not.
2. They can't be gloomy.
3. They can't be foreboding.
4. They can't be creepy.
5. They can't be revolting.
6. They can't be ugly, though they need not be pretty.
7. That being said, pretty is acceptable. (I'm not going to be making art here. Sorry, Steven, for changing your rules a bit. I like pretty photos; I just don't think it's something real artists need aspire to.)
8. They can be arty (i.e. something striking and interesting that causes a moment of thought).
9. I can't cheat and show photos of my smiling kids, who make every picture happy.
10. No voo-doo dolls, creepy or otherwise. (Y'all will see a creepy doll in 2010. So you got that to look forward to.)
Okay, to summarize. I need to post ten pictures that are either pretty OR arty but no depressing, gloomy, foreboding, creepy, revolting, or ugly.
Readers, I think this is going to be VERY challenging for me.
I'm serious.
This is my first attempt. Not bad, eh?

What's that you say? I broke rule nine??! D'OH! Okay, so let's try this.

What? No good? Sororicide isn't funny. Right. You're right. Okay, so let me try this.

Sigh....this is challenging. I like this as a fun shot of my sis-in-law, Kristin. (Yep. I'm outing everyone by name, baby.) But it's not especially pretty, though that's not Kristin's fault. (You know what I'm saying, people!) The shot wasn't meant to be pretty but zany. And it's not that arty.
Oh, bother. What have I done to myself?!
My last try for the day.

This is pretty, right?
It''''s Thomas Kinkadean!!